The 2nd all-Russian business forum «WASTETECHNOPARKS OF RUSSIA» was held on February 13th and 14th, 2018.
The first day of the event was devoted to the justification of the need of wastetechnoparks.
According to the report of Mariev V. to start the mechanism of reforming the waste management system in Russia it is necessary to change the approach to the organization of waste collection, transportation and recycling. And wastetechnoparks should implement such important processes as waste sorting, processing and recycling into this system. Such a systematic approach in the future should lead to reduction of waste by more than 50 percent. In addition, this structure will allow to use a huge amount of waste fractions as secondary raw materials. It is important to note that the main suppliers of waste will be:
- Population – the source of MSW (municipal solid wastes)
- The users of natural resources – production and consumption wastes
- Manufacturers and importers – wastes from the use of finished goods (performance of EPR).
Representatives of the Ministry of industry and trade and the Ministry of natural resources announced a program of economic incentives consisting subsidizing or financing for enterprises that intend to or already carry out complex waste processing.
The report made by Lyubov Melanevskaya aimed at highlighting all the problems faced by a manufacturer or importer who wants to fulfill the EPR requirements. In particular, a lot was told about the system of separate waste collection, which was implemented in 2017.
The main topics of the second day of the conference were:
- Program of the Ministry of industry and trade for projects of recycling of industrial waste in industrial and agricultural wastetechnoparks in the Russian Federation;
- Modern technology, Russian and international projects and cases for processing, recycling and disposal of waste and prospects of industrial wastetchnoparks, new technologies for remediation of contaminated areas and purification of groundwater;
- Equipment for cleaning air emissions, industrial wastewater treatment;
- Treatment of oil-contaminated waste, oil sludge, oil-contaminated soils;
- Processing, recycling and disposal of waste tires and rubber products;
- Processing and disposal of electric vehicles, batteries, mercury lamps and other hazardous waste;
- Processing and disposal of toxic chemicals, galvanic waste, chemical waste;
- Processing and disposal of pesticides and other agricultural waste products at wastetechnoparks in Russia.
Executive Director of the Union Sergey Podoynikov presented a report titled «The Practice of compliance with the recycling through the industry association.»