Executive Director of the EcoTyresUnion Sergey Podoynikov and legal counsel Anna Zakharova took part in the International exhibition and forum of the best available technologies GREENTECHexpo organized from 6 to 9 November 2018, under the support of the Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation in «Crocus Expo».
The program of the forum was rich and included the following events: panel sessions, business coaching, round tables, seminars. The forum really justified its initial goals – the event created a comfortable communication space for active interaction and exchange of the best available technologies between representatives of the government, the business community and the scientific community.
Executive Director of the EcoTyresUnion Sergey Podoynikov presented a report «Development of the market of waste tyres recycling by the industry Union of manufacturers and importers of tyres as part of Extended Producer Responsibility » at the panel sessions «Strategy for the development of the industry of production and consumption wastes recycling for the period up to 2030» and «Extended producer responsibility: practical application”. Sergey spoke about the principles of the Union, shared the current results and plans for the future. The speech got numerous positive responses from the audience. The EcoTyresUnion activities were highly appreciated by the listeners and considered to be a model and quality approach in addressing the problem of waste tyres recycling.
The EcoTyresUnion is currently a unique organization that united representatives of half of its industry and fully complied with the requirements of the recycling norms. The integrated nature of the EcoTyresUnion activities has a positive effect not only on tyre manufacturers – ensuring compliance with the recycling norms, but also on recyclers – one of the goals of the EcoTyresUnion is the development of existing recycling companies. Geographical diversity of the EcoTyresUnion proves the importance and effectiveness of Its activities, the prospects of experience in solving environmental problems.