Executive Director of the EcoTyresUnion Sergey Podoynikov, environmental analyst Yulia Ragimova and legal counsel Anna Zakharova are included in the workgroup on compliance with the requirements of legislation concerning the regulation in the field of waste management. The workgroup meeting took place on December 4th,2018 at the Federal Service for the Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor).
On December 4th, 2018 Rosprirodnadzor held a workgroup meeting on compliance with the requirements of legislation concerning the regulation in the field of waste management.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of natural resources of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for the Supervision of Natural Resources: Zemtsov Roman Gennadievich (Ministry of natural resources), Amirkhanov Amirkhan Magomedovich (Rosprirodnadzor), Sokolova Natalia Romanovna (Rosprirodnadzor); representatives of the local agencies of Rosprirodnadzor for the Central Federal district, Southern Federal district and Northwestern Federal District, as well as representatives of associations and unions of producers and importers of goods.
Reports by Amirkhanov A. M. and Zemtsov R. G. were mainly devoted to the General issues of EPR compliance. Thus, the above-mentioned representatives of the state authorities stressed the point that the main goal of EPR is to stimulate the business community to develop actual waste management processes, create the infrastructure and organizational mechanisms for the independent EPR compliance. Eco fee payment acts as a forced measure, a form of liability arising from non-performance or improper performance by the manufacturer/importer of its obligations for the independent EPR compliance.
The report by Sokolova N. R. touched upon a number of important issues that arise in the framework of activities connected to compliance of the extended responsibility of producers, importers, as well as specialized associations and unions.
An important aspect touched upon in the discussion was a straightforward expression of the negative attitude of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Rosprirodnadzor to the initiative of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to introduce a recycling fee and exclude the possibility of independent EPR compliance by manufacturers and importers of goods to be recycled. During the meeting representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Rosprirodnadzor expressed their support for business and non-profit organizations in the importance of maintaining EPR and the inadmissibility of its replacement by recycling fee.
The final part of the event consisted of presentations of unions and associations of producers and importers of goods to be recycled. A report on the performance of the EcoTyresUnion was presented by the Executive Director Sergey Podoynikov. Development strategy, the performance delivered by the EcoTyresUnion in a relatively short period, was highly appreciated by the audience. The workgroup meeting was a significant event, proving the importance of building a constructive dialogue between government agencies, the business community and the non-profit sector in order to solve urgent social and economic problems of the state scale.