On February 12-14, 2019 the Executive Director of the EcoTyresUnion Sergey Podoynikov, environmental analyst Yulia Ragimova and legal counsel Anna Zakharova took part in the III all-Russian business forum » WASTETECHNOPARKS OF RUSSIA «.
Key topics of the event were the creation of a comprehensive system of recycling various types of waste and defining the role of wastetechnoparks in such a system. The program of the forum included multi-format business communications: conferences, panel discussions, round tables, — which allowed representatives of public authorities, business, non-profit organizations to discuss the current problems of waste management in the widest possible aspect, to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the reform on waste management, to determine further directions of development of the waste management system.
Executive Director of the EcoTyresUnion Sergey Podoynikov introduced the report «EPR performance through the industry Union as the power of the development of the recycling industry» at the panel session «Secondary resources and their recycling at wastetechnoparks» (12.02.2019) and in the framework of practical round table «The practice of EPR in recycling of WEEE, tyres, plastics, petroleum products, other» (14.02.2019).
In his report Sergey spoke about the strategy of the EcoTyresUnion, presented the current results and outlined development plans. At the moment there are 93 recycling companies in the database of the EcoTyresUnion. According to the results of a comprehensive audit of each of the companies that applied for the EcoTyresUnion Tender, 21 processing companies were selected for 2019. Geographical diversity of the EcoTyresUnion includes 16 regions. Throughout the ETU active period the Union ensures 100% compliance with the recycling norms for all its Members. For two years of activity the EcoTyresUnion ensured the recycling of 90 000 tons of waste tyres. Under the support of the Union tyre collection programs are developing in 11 regions of Russia, as well as the project of a unique mobile applications — an aggregator service to find tyre reception points.
The results show that if a recycling company works with the EcoTyresUnion — it grows and develops in different aspects. The EcoTyresUnion provides processing companies with organizational and legal support on a regular basis. Thus, at the beginning of 2019, the employees of the EcoTyresUnion prepared consulting materials on the work of processing companies with tyre service stations for the organization of waste tyres accumulation process, developed a draft business plan specially adapted for a tyre processing company.
The report on the activities of the EcoTyresUnion aroused great interest among the audience and as well as wide discussion. Participants asked questions, shared experiences, stressed the necessity of independent EPR compliance, noted the importance of an integrated approach to waste management.
The representatives of the «SKO Elektronika i Utilizatsia» held a practical seminar «Work in the system of EPR in the sphere of electronics» and described the principles of the Association’s activities in the field independent EPR compliance in the sphere of electronic and computer equipment, the selection procedures for processing companies and the mechanisms of interaction.
In his speech the President of the RATEK Association A.V. Onishchuk stressed the importance of maintaining the ability of independent EPR performance as it allows to stimulate the recycling industry — providing reliable long-term partners, ensuring effective demand.
The Executive Director of the Nonprofit Association «Industry for the environment» (RusPACK) L. A. Melanevskaya has expressed concern about the initiative of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the inclusion of the ecofee to the Tax code of the Russian Federation and the abolition of the possibility of independent EPR compliance in her report «EPR with the eyes of the business». Lyubov outlined the consequences that the adoption of the draft law in this version will lead to: violation of the predictability of the business climate, distortion of the stimulating role of EPR, freezing of the initiated pilot projects for the independent performance of EPR, the liquidation of associations created for EPR compliance, which for a short time of existence show significant results. Following the manufacturers of tyres and electronics, packaging and consumer goods in October 2018 the RUSPRO Association was established, the purpose of which is to ensure the independent EPR performance.
D. E. Yesayan, the President of «Waste Recycling Association», in his speech «Extended producer/importer responsibility. Theory and practice. The market of waste oil products» told about the results of independent EPR performance through the profile Association using the example of the market of waste oil products.
N. S. Belyaeva, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on environmental management and ecology of Business Russia, General Director of Delphi LLC, presented the report «Extended responsibility of the cable manufacturer: the impact on the industry» and analyzed the mechanism of EPR performance in the cable production market. During the forum the participants identified the current problems of the recycling industry, identified questions, the answers to some of which were received during the discussions. It is important that at present, the reform and development of the processing industry is given special attention, which is reflected in holding of such comprehensive and multi-format events as » WASTETECHNOPARKS OF RUSSIA «. It is effective communication that will allow to reach consensus, to develop a comprehensive and effective system of waste management!